Ibogaine treatment requires a specialized kind of support before and afterwards
Regardless of your reason for seeking Ibogaine treatment, the preparation and integration sections of the process are crucial. Preparation involves discussion of what to expect during the actual Ibogaine experience, personal intentions and goals, and plans for after the treatment that include formulating your new life structure and proper support systems. The sessions following your treatment focus on processing the actual Ibogaine experience, new methods for staying present with emotions, daily exercises with the goal of regaining trust in yourself, building supportive community, and connecting to your own inner guidance and wisdom.
My approach is influenced by the principles of harm reduction, allowing individuals to decide what is right for them rather than measuring success through total abstinence or through the expectations of family and society. The work that I do with clients is about discovering what feels right for each person and constructing a unique system of community support, practices, and creative activities to support this.
I offer a standard package of eight sessions, although it’s possible to purchase sessions individually as well. I recommend having at least one or two sessions before your treatment, and then four to six sessions afterward.